yesterday was the first time i perform for my teacher's show.
is Lampe Burger Show at KLCC convention centre.
actually i have no idea what that function about until my friend told me it was the something then only i know..im so so blur..XDXD
been for rehersal for 2 days before the show on saturday..first time perform have to remember 4 different types of steps..
on the first day of rehersal, at first i really cant handle it, but after while i manage to remember some of the steps..keep practice and practice until i remember the steps..on the first day im kinda
blur with the steps and im really tired that day..before that had long day class, then straight to ballet class, after that straight to rehersal with my tired look..lol
on the second day of rehersal, i manage to remember all the steps but somehow i still forget a little of the steps..=/ keep practice and practice and practice then went back lor..
the next day is the performance day..the event starts at 6pm..in the morning, i had modern dance class..after that, stay at studio to practice again..then, at 2 something everyone get ready to klcc already..reached there around 3 something..on the way there, we saw an accident..the car terbalik and saw a baby head bleeding like shit..pity pity..
saw karen kong there when having rehersal..she is pretty but short..almost same height as me or shorter than me..lolx
after that, prepare for the event already..
the first 2 dance is ballet one..we walk walk around the foyer with everyone there..we weill dance when the music starts..is just randomly..XDXD..kinda exciting and nervous..we wore like fairy but too bad..didnt take any pictures because everyone were busying preparing for themselves..
after that, change costume to become a musketeer..XDXD..kinda cool with it..but too bad didnt take pictures of it also..sob*
wearing that to guide the VIPs to the stage..fuyoh..lolx
next, rushing to changing room to change to another costume..like the magician wear..but all white in colour..cool..we dance broadway for the opening...kinda nervous cause need to dance wearing high heel..first time for me..i scare i will fall scare i will twist my leg scare this scare that..lolx...
after that, rush to changing room again to change the maid costume as shown below..everyone thinks i went for maid job...lolx..its a nice costume but too short..sexy..wiu wit ^^
when the audience starts to had their meals, we dance be our guest..is something bout food..we hold the utensils things when we dance..quite funXDXD

everything goes smoothly and it ends at 830pm..we camwhore there as usual...hehe..after that went back by train lor..thats all forr now..im kinda lazy to blog eh...lolx
ups and downs always come to us.
i hope we can hardly get through it.
no matter what happens, i really love you.
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