is the day im waiting for sometime already
is boyfriend's birthday~
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to my dear wayne
happy birthday to you
may all your wish comes true~
all the best in everything~
good luck in coming exam~
we together jiayou~
hope boyfriend like the prezzie i gave to him
i prepare all those things till 2am eh
watched 2012 with him today~
actually wanna watch at 1245pm but when we get there the seats for that time left the first 2 rows..i dont like it and so do we watched at we have 2 hours time before we entered to cinema..went shopping awhile and then went for quite sad when 1245pm slot is full..but i didnt turn up my sad face to him cause today is his birthday..must happy happy with him ma..
the movie was around 2hour 15 minutes long..i sit til my back also pain..after movie, dont plan to walk already..boyfriend need to go back to hometown after, i said lets go and him was like ‘向左走向右走’ quite sad when our back gonna face each other and say goodbye..time really flies..wish the time stops when im with him..missing him already...i dont know why today i feel quite moody and emo again..haiz...
p/s : boyfriend said he likes the prezzie very much (:
p/s : i cried when watching 2012 and so do him..2012 was awesome!!!!
p/s : hope to celebrate boyfriend burfday every year together with him (:
how if the world really ends just exactly like the movie?will it have the three big ships?can some of the people survive just like them?i wonder...
miss boyfriend very much~
i want him now~