had a loooong and superb awesome day yesterday..
the day we had been waiting for so so loong..
its PROM NIGHT!!! and M.O.S!!!
heading to keli's house in the noon and she wanted to go for saloon..so i follow her...before that the boyfren called and ask both of us to go out for yumcha..teddy came and pick us up after that we headed to kim gary at pyramid..i didnt eat any cos i just had my lunch before i leave my house...i just had a drink there..while 3 of them took their lunch there..its around 430pm d and we asked teddy to put us down at summit..go there for saloon..when we reached there is around 5pm...we scare not enough time for us to prepare to prom..so leave the saloon at around 630pm..is late though...so we quickly prepare all stuff with make up those while wh is waiting for us...and finally we reached there around 730pm..lol...i know its kinda late...but many ppl were late too...not only us...i post some photos here...
after the prom we headed to M.O.S for clubbing..we dance and dance and dance...feel very fun..all of us were very HIGH dat night...the M.O.S is almost full with ACCA & CAT students..we were there til 3am and after that went for mamak cos we were hungry...reached keli's house around 530am..adn we slept at 6am since everyone were tired..haha..6am is for some ppl to wake up but is for us to sleep...damn funny....lol..

its an awesome night for everyone..everyone enjoy it that night...
p/s : is my 1st time been there..=)
miss the boyf alot~
i hope there's nothing hiding between us~
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