Tuesday, December 30, 2008
goodbye 2008...hi 2009
now is 30th dec 2008...
and tomorow is 31st dec 2008...new year eve..going countdown at bukit bintang...and can c golf & mike tomorow...haha...
All the things happen in 2008 will keep it as memory especially on the 29th dec 2007 to 11 march 2008..this period of time i went for ns..it really a memorable things i ever had...once in a life time....lots of things happen inside der..we cry, we laugh, we play together...no matter male or female...really wont forget the moments there....
not oni that..i also will keep my unforgettable birthday on 20.08.2008..my college frens celebrate for me...memorable things...and oso all my besties...although they celebtrate earlier for me...but i really appreciate every single moment that had been together with u all...and so goes to my family...although just a simple celebration but i was happy for it..cause this year i cant celebrate my burfday with my beloved grandfather...
my grandfather passed away one month b4 my burfday...everyone was kinda sad when my grandfather passed away....everyone cried and dun wanna let my grandfather go...that moment really very sad and i wont forget what my grandfather did when he is still alive...when i'm small, he always bring me to eng ann to buy things...almost like everyday...i really love my grandfather....i hate myself because i often talk to him..i really regret for not always with him...but i manage to fetch him anywhere he wants to go for the last time...he manage to sit the car i drive...i was proud that he can sit the car i drive..i'm happy bout it..but then he leaves, i very very sad and hurt...i will miss u forever and so do to all my relatives...we really miss u and loves u...hope u wont forget us...grandfather....I LOVE U!!!
i really had a unforgettable things in year 2008...had fun with all the gatherings and shoppings with my frens...and i hope next year 2009 will have a better life and everything need to b fine especially health...hope everyone stay healthy...
happy new year!!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
ice skating~
Saturday, December 27, 2008

1 如果你喜欢他就告诉他,即使他拒绝了,也不会丢面子,因为在他心里,会因为你的真情而非常非常感激你。
2 如果他喜欢你,要明确告诉他你对他的感情,喜欢就是喜欢,不喜欢就是不喜欢,千万不要怕伤害他而忧郁不决,不要让他等到最后才受到抛弃,因为男孩子的心一旦碎了就很难很难再好起来。
3 男孩子也有自己的脾气,只是因为爱你而压抑着,不要总是任性,有时他们的决定也很有道理.
4 男孩子莫名的向你发脾气,那时因为爱你,把你当成最亲,最贴心,最有安全感的人,千万不要冲他发脾气反击,静静的等着,等他消气后满怀后悔来抱你。
5 他为你准备的东西,即使再难看,再廉价,也要去珍惜,因为那里面融汇着他整晚的思绪。
6 相信他给你多么多么美好的生活,要给他鼓励,因为鼓励会让他创造奇迹。
7 不要总是打探他去哪,告诉他注意安全,你会等着他就可以。
8 不要总说~我爱你~,他会半真半笑着说你烦,但不要不说,因为有时候,他们比女孩子更需要这句。
9 他为你掉眼泪了,那么他是真的非常爱你,珍惜他的每一滴泪,不要道歉,不要安慰,握着他的手,默默的为他擦去泪滴。
10 要信任他,他爱你,就什么都不会骗你,即使真的有欺骗,也是为让你们的爱情能够永远不离不弃。
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
-new shoe from china-
my new shoe from china...my aunty bought for me..but actually bought for my sis and she cant wear it cause her foot too BIG..elephant leg la she...haha...so now it is mine...wahahaha...and i got jackets from aunt and grandma too...all from china...now i just wait souvenir from japan...hehe...wait for one week ba....
christmas and new year
Monday, December 22, 2008
and this make me more 'luan'...lol...now it just need to depends on our 'yuan fen'...things that is urs den it is urs..if it doesnt wat u do also wont get it..so i just let it be oni la...comment something after u read this....i wanna know what u all feel..haha..XD
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
tiring day
Today wake up as usual but early a little bit.wahaha…(usually wake up at 10am but today wake up at 915am)lol…then as usual bath and have breakfast…after that watch tv as well..and help mum do some house work…in the afternoon, went sunway pyramid with cerd and sin…sin say change from 2pm to 1.30pm..and cerd was late for 45 minutes because for traffic jam…before went to pyramid, I told cerd to send me to college because I need to ask something from the admin…when I went there and I ask them…they say the person incharge(margaret) is on her company trip..and they dunno whe she is back…wah!!i really very angry wei..the thing need to post before 1st January 2009 wei…and Margaret dunno when oni back from her company trip…wth!!! nevermind I say…I’ll find her next week..hope she is back from her company trip…after that we went pyramid d…at 1st we went shopping then we decide to have our lunch at Sushi Zanmai….very full ler eat at der…three of us eat like bout rm57…after that we went shopping…we went every shop and we didnt buy...lol...me and cerd bought one shirt and sin bout one shirt and one vest...haha...sin say she no $$ but she buy more than us..lol...after we went jalan jalan and we went to LEVI'S...i saw one jeans damn nice wei..i really like dat jeans..but it was expensive...haiz..rm249...expendive ryte...i really likes that jeans..i take and try...hmmm...and i took pics in the fitting room..lol...cause that jeans is very nice....but i cant afford to buy it...haiz..then we went to another shop..cerd say that shirt is nice...she call me to try..so i ma try lor..since she call me to..lol..i try and i feel like i'm fat with that...so i told cerd i dun like it..cerd try that oso..and she likes it...but didnt buy cause no new one..the old one got some problem d..so she dun wan..walk til our leg oso pain...and then we went to a shop that sells key chain..and we didnt go in...we see the key chain through mirror...and that time something funny happen...u know wht?? i knock my head..thats a embarassed thing wei..knock til very loud oh...cerd and sin were shocked after i knock my head..they laugh and laugh and laugh...i feel so paiseh at there..haiz....i lazy to write d la...dats all lar...
what it mean??
Yesterday I was out of control and I post my feelings and problems in my blog…and my best fren. Sheena, angeline and susin advise me and call me to confess to him..and that time I really very mindless..and I dunno what to do..and aaron also tell me to do so..hmm..i'm thinking and thinking and thinking…finally I made a decision to confess to him..and I really made it…here comes to the conversation between me and him…
Me: I got something to tell u..
Me: i just want to know the truth..i had feelings towards u..
Me: and hope that it will not change anything especially our friendship..
Him: sorry ar..these days lost contact…phone expired ler..
Him: erm…it wont change anything de la..no worry..
(p/s: I saw this I feel relax ler..phew..)
Him: u away?? I go bath 1st lo…
Me: not away oso…
Him: but u reply me slow…
Me: didn’t realize got msg ma…
Him: my phone expired…got type msg for u d…that time oni realize cannot send out le…
Me: its ok la…go bath lar u…
Me wait for him for half an hour…while waiting for him I chat with shena and read my fren’s blog..and spam susin, sheena, angeline chatbox in blog…then I leave him msg and say I wanna off le….
Me: I off 1st…
Me: what I say just now is true de…
Me: nitez
Me: bye
After that I off9 ler and I do something for a while and I went back to my room…actually wana open my laptop to type something but I didn’t open cause its 2am d..feel sleepy…everynite also sleep so late and wake up early..i know its not good for health but I just cant sleep that early…haha…then he sms me and say…
Him: 睡了哦?
Him: sorry e. today busy whole day. outside relative house. Then late nite watching movie. Din touch phone. U sleep le o? dun wan wake u up le. goodnitez. take care(all this I typed b4 knowing my phone expire).morning 6.18am…haa.这信息几天前给你的~
Him: 做么那么突然的呢?我做过什么?
Me: 我也知道很突然…但这是感觉吧…
Him: 可能是突然的感觉…会消矢的?哈~ 我要看戏了哦…得空找你啦…拜~ 晚安…
Me : 你认为会消失?去看吧…我睡了哦…晚安…
Him: 好啦~安…应该会消失吧…呵
Our conversation just ended like that and I sleep jor..i really dunno what he thinks lar…I’m not understand him enough…but I really likes him wor..how???but at least I tell him I like him lor..thats a good starting after I confess to him…
(p/s : I lazy to transfer from mandarin to English..hehe)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
-the so call 'meeting'-
next..we call fen..she say she having one hour lunch break.so we meet her at klang parade..then we discuss what to eat..no1 could decide so we choose to vote..at first we went to igentis..we sit down and see the menu d and we still dunno what to eat..we thought of leaving igentis and finally we leave..so paiseh..then we went to foodcourt..we still wondering what to eat...and then finally we step in to mcd to have our lunch..haha...we should step in mcd earlier so that we wont so fan with eating!!!!lol.damn funny..wondering for so long bout eating and then also eat at mcd at last...after that we went back to sin's house again..
now at sin's house..we didnt discuss bout christmas eve things..lol..we talk bout some stuff and suddenly sin say she got something to give us..and i know it is souvenir from malacca..haha...guess what she bought for us...
i was wondering what is that and she say is a paper clip and can become a magnet thingy that can stick to metal stuff de...is quite cute la..go lady bird, elephant,and some others la...i dunno whats that either..haha..so we found that it is cute and i try to pin my fringe with that clip and then we started to do stupid stuff lor..took lots of pics with that clip on our hair..haha...

this is what i done with the clip..then we feel its quite nice to play so we start to take photo lar...shin continue to pin on her hair and she looks funny with it..haha..then we pin all the clips on her hair and took photo of her..after we took some funny photo of us..so funny...

after those photo session we headed to AEON cause we have nothing to do liao..we plan to watch movie but there were no shows for us to watch since all the movies already watched...haha...so we decided to go for kotak hijau..we sang for bout 3 hours and in between we took lots of photos and we like gonna runtuhkan the whole kotak hijau..memang gila la us....haha...but it is fun duh...the six of us meet again after a long time...although we got meet each other in between but not not like now can fully six of us gather..haha...we have fun...really very fun..haha...

millions of things are running in her mind.
When a girl is arguing,
she is thinking deeply.
When a girl looks at you with eyes Full of question,
she is wondering how long you will be around.
When a girl answer 'Im Fine' after a few second,
she is not at all fine.
When a girl stares at you,
she is wondering why you are lying.
When a girl lays on your chest,
she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
When a girl wants to see you everyday,
she wants to be pampered.
When a girl say 'I Love You',
she means it.
When a girl say 'I Miss you',
no one in this world can miss you more than that.
When a girl cries for you,
you meant everything to her.
Monday, December 15, 2008
-xiah's burfday-
Sunday, December 14, 2008
and i dunno wat happen to me...
bad thing happen to me..
just like yesterday...
hmmm...dun wanna talk bout yesterday's thing le..
no mood to blog d...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
genting trip-09122008 - 10122008

i went genting v my frens..i reach at genting at 12.30pm with my best bud, susin..then my father went to check in for me..hehe...we stay at highland hotel..after check in, we went in to our room to have a rest and my father wants to see our room...lol..after that, me and susin went to 1st world to have a walk while waiting for my college frens to reach...we shop shop for one hour then my college frens called me and say they reach d...i rushed to hotel to meet them...while on the lift, our room is at 7th floor..and susin tot it was on the 8th floor..when we reach 7th floor..i walked out and susin pull me and say 'we are not on 6th floor meh??" and i say 'no la...we are on 7th floor'..that time really very embarassing wei..i dont dare to look back to the lift..the uncle inside all laugh i think...lol..then i meet my frens lor...haha...they put their luggage liao then have a rest..we went 1st world to have their lunch..since they haven eat...after that,we dunno where we wanna go so we decide to sing k..haha..weird ryte..go genting sing k...hmm..then wer we went huh??i really forget liao...cham..i remember at 9pm my da jie, small sis n 4th sis goin for movie..and me n my fren go lepak and went back to hotel to watch tv..lol...weird ppl go genting watch tv de...haha...after that my college frens watch finish le.they called me ask me wer am i..i tell them i at hotel..they were like 'what'..haha...then they back to hotel lo...after having rest den we go out to have supper..lol..around 12am...then we go walk walk and took some pics...then have some drink at starbucks...drink drink den talk talk...and susin say wan go out walk walk...so i follow her go walk walk and my college frens stay at starbucks and den go back to room to gamble..haha...me n susin continue jalan around genting to gap zai...but cant gap one oso...we walk til 3 something den walk back to hotel..while on da way back to hotel,we saw one guy wearing hotel slipper walking around..haha..damn funny..we laugh very laugh..but i laugh not as loud as the speaker susin...haha....but really very funny...when back to hotel and gamble with my college frens...we slept at 4 something and i woke up at 8 something..i really cant sleep dat time..while eveyone was still sleeping...haha..after dat i sleep for second round..i sleep til everyone wake up...lol..really piggy la me...den we go have our brunch lor...haha...after dat we decided to play bowling...haa..actually decided earlier but have to wait at waiting list...so we didnt go play lor..we play for 2 games den we leave genting...cause my aunty waited me very long d..cant let her wait too long later my uncle on fire...lol...dats our trip to genting lor...really having fun lor....