today as usual i wake up at 630am..and reach college at 740am..that time jia juen n mei sze haven reach so i decided to SLEEP...LOL..cause this few days not enough sleep..after a while jia juen came n i didnt realise it...haha..i sleep like a pig d so i dunno when he came..after that, mei sze reach and she sms me call me to wake up..and i saw the msg den i continue to sleep..haha...me memang pig la...no wonder my nickname is panda n piggy lar...lol...then we go have our breakfast n den back to college to STUDY...we just study for one hour + oni...den ke li came n join us...then we went to NEWAY to celebrate aaron's burfday..this was a surprised for him..and he didnt know we are celebrating with him..haha..before we went to NEWAY, the gals went to taipan to get aaron's burfday cake..its a fruit cake....at first he wanted to have DURIAN CAKE...it sounds *yucks* rite...lol..while da guys<> reach der at first...then we straight go NEWAY at ss15..if i not mistaken la...haha..i not so sure all the place in subang...cause i'm not from subang...lol..den we sing til very HIGH..haha..lots of food we have n is kinda full...we sing from 11am til 3pm..one hour xtra for us...so we able to sing lots of songs...^^after that we went back to college to continue our STUDIES...and i study for half and hour den i went back liao...the sky outside was dark n it gonna rain very very soon...i manage to reach home before it rains very heavy...haha...really had fun today n somehow feel very tired lor...
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