Sunday, April 25, 2010

very random

i make up my mind to touch my piano back.
i know its such a random one.

after so long i didnt touch the keyboard, i hope i still can get use of it.
hopefully can still remember the notes, the rhythm.

gonna practice and practice.
to get the music nice and gentle.

imma gonna surprise you for playing the song u like. ^^

p/s : wanna watch lots of movie. i wanna watch ice kacang puppy love. the boyf wanna watch IP man.

to boyf, when can we go for movie? bring me go!!

im so excited bout our anniversary. ^^
miss you so much.
i love you, wayne

Thursday, April 22, 2010

not a good day

i dont know what had happen to me today.
not focusing the whole day.

even im not focusing in the ballet class just now.
all my steps, expression, technics grumble together.
i dont have the mood to dance at all.
dont know why.

my dark circles is getting deeper and deeper.
can anyone introduce me where to get a good and cheap eye cream to chase off my dark circles?
cause my teacher say i need to put cream.

i hope tomorrow will be a better day (:

p/s : i angry not because you didnt tell me. Is because i need to know your stuff from others. I not happy when others know your things earlier than i am.
p/s : i know i shouldn't be so stubborn and small gas. Sorry for my stubborn-ness and my smal gas-ness. Sorry for making you moody ):

i love you, wayne

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

珍惜你身边那个爱生气的女人 *

*珍惜你身边那个爱生气的女人 *

* 她总是问 : 你在哪 ? 你干什么呢 ?
- 她很关心你 , 只是想跟你说说话 ; 你不给她发信息 , 她很矛盾 , 怕你在忙 , 但又忍不住想你 . 换了别人 , 爱干嘛就干嘛 , 她根本不会去关心 . 所以请你一有时间就问候她一下 , 让她放心 , 让她知道你心里有她 . 她总是主动联系你 , 她会觉得她贱

* 她说 : 天冷了 , 记得多穿衣服 ~
- 不要嫌她烦 , 不要说她像你妈 , 你妈妈有时可能都比不上她对你的关心 . 换了别人 , 冻死也不关她的事 ! 她知道你不傻 , 她只想让你知道她心里有你

* 她说 : 我不高兴了
- 不要怪她无理取闹 , 她不是真的不开心 , 只是想你了 , 只是想要你几句安慰的话 : 乖 ~ 别闹了 ~

* 她总说自己又胖了或者长得不够漂亮
- 不要觉得她嫉妒别人 , 她只是怕在你眼中不够完美

* 她总说你看谁谁谁他们怎么怎么样
- 不要说她贪慕虚荣 , 总羡慕别人 , 她只是想让你知道怎样做能使她高兴

* 她说你看谁多有钱 , 长得多帅
- 你不用生气 , 在她眼里 , 你是最好的 , 她只是想让你为了她努力奋斗

* 她不分场合的抱你 , 吻你
- 她不是炫耀什么 , 只是想让别人知道你俩有多好

* 她总说她会帮你 , 让你有事找她
- 其实她知道她帮不了你什么 , 她只想让你知道你还有她 , 她永远在你身边陪你

* 不论是过马路还是走在哪 , 她用手死死拽住你的胳臂
- 不要说她粘人 , 她只是告诉你她信任你

* 她总是走在你的左边
- 不要说她多事 , 她只是想离你的心更近一些

* 她看到你跟别的女生亲近一些就会生气
- 别说她小气 , 不信任你 , 她其实是在吃醋 , 这表示她十分在乎你

* 她爱忧伤 , 爱掉泪
- 别怪她多愁善感 , 她只是缺乏安全感 , 你要知道 , 她很少会为别人流泪

* 在买东西时她总征求你的意见
- 别说她没主见 , 依赖你 , 她只是尊重你 , 凡事以你为先

* 出去吃饭 , 她吃得很少说吃不了 , 让你替她吃
- 别说她挑食或者浪费 , 她只是怕你吃不饱

* 买东西她总买便宜的
- 别说她小气 , 她只是想为你省钱

* 给你买东西 , 总买贵的
- 你可能不需要 , 不喜欢 , 但别怪她浪费 , 她只是想告诉你她可要把最好的留给你

* 跟你在一起总爱玩失踪
- 别说她淘气 , 吓唬你 , 她只是爱看你急着找她的样子 , 证明一下她对你来说是重要的

* 她总假装生气转身离开
- 记住 , 她不是真地想走 , 离开时想要被挽留

* 她会突然冷淡你 , 或向你撒娇
- 别怪她孩子气 , 她只是想让你哄哄她

永远不会发脾气的女人就如 同一杯白开水 -- 解渴 , 却无味

* 你迟到 , 她向你发脾气
- 是因为她紧张你 , 她怕你出了什么意外

* 你抽烟 , 她向你发脾气
- 是因为她担心你的身体健康

* 你喝酒 , 她向你发脾气
- 是因为她担心你酒醉后没有人照顾 , 更怕你在酒吧会出什么事 , 留下她一个人

* 你身上被发现有别的女人香 , 她向你发脾气
- 是因为她在乎你 , 你是她的所有 , 她不想跟别人分亨你

* 你臭袜子乱扔 , 她向你发脾气
- 是因为她关心你 , 她怕有一天你会被自己的臭袜子淹没 , 所以她要先把你训练好

* 你忘记她的生日 , 她向你发脾气
- 是因为她对你有所期待 , 她并不会要求一个陌生人记住她的生日

~ 女人是最讲理的动物 , 她的脾气往往导因于各式各样的理由
~ 女人也是最不讲理的动物 , 她的理由经常令人无法理解

女 人可以为了一件小得不能再小的事 , 发一场大得不能再大的脾气 , 因为女人对身边的男人有所要求 , 有所期望 , 所以常常会失望 ; 失落 .
因 此 , 女人容易对男人发脾气

身边有个会向你发脾气的女人 , 其实是一件多么幸福的事 !
而身边有一个会让自己发脾气的男人 , 对女人是最大的折磨 , 也是莫大的幸福 !

假如有一天 , 她不在为你生气 ..
留下的只有漆黑的房间 , 慌乱的心跳 , 述说着心灵深处的痛楚 ,
那寂寞的思念 , 那暗淡的惆怅 , 还有那幸福的幻觉 , 独自呓语 !

当 有一天 , 女人不在对男人发脾气的时候 , 那么一切就即将结束了 !

p/s : appreciate what you have now before it is too late (:
p/s : u'll regret if u didnt appreaciate^^

i love you, wayne

Tuesday, April 20, 2010















i love you, wayne


男生不知道,女生要讲 ‘我喜欢你' 需要很大的勇气才讲的出..
男生不知道,女生还留着low fat milk给他..

i love you, wayne

Friday, April 16, 2010


when can i get a LOMO CAMERA that i wanted so long?
i really loves their effects ):

im gonna zip mouth like nobody business.
will talk less already.

i deserve it ):

this is the website-LOMOGRAPHY

i love you, wayne

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Another summer day
Has come and gone away
In Paris or Rome...
But I wanna go home
...uhm Home
May be surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
Just wanna go home
I miss you, you know

And I've been keeping all the letters
That I wrote to you,
Each one a line or two
I'm fine baby, how are you?
I would send them but I know that
It's just not enough
My words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that

Another aeroplane, another sunny place,
I'm lucky I know
But I wanna go home
I got to go home

Let me go home

I'm just too far from where you are
I wanna come home

And I feel just like I'm living
Someone else's life
It's like I just stepped outside
When everything was going right
And I know just why
You could not come along with me
This was not your dream
But you always believed in me...

Another winter day
Has come and gone away
In either Paris or Rome
And I wanna go home
Let me go home

And I'm surrounded by
A million people I
I still feel alone
Let me go home
I miss you , you know

Let me go home
I've had my run
Baby I'm done
I gotta go home

Let me go home
It'll all be alright
I'll be home tonight
I'm coming back home

everytime i listen to this song
it makes me think of something

whichmakesmefeelthatimnothing =x

i wish that you can tell me everything
but not to hide from me
we share everything together
i know you always worry this and that
im worry also
do you know that?
i love you, wayne

Monday, April 12, 2010

Black & White Night

april 10th is the day where we had the black and white party.
this party is organized by the fruits family which consists of lemon, grape, strawberry and avocado.
for those who attended the party they should know this.

well, we plan this party a month ago and we did it to the success. it with a great one after all.
all of us put many effort into it.

hmm, being so rush that day as like we haven done everything yet where the party is held at night.and we were pack with lots of things.but we manage to handle it nicely and perfectly.

our decorations for the night

the food

the girls
(some are not inside)

us with the boys
(most of them are not inside)

awww (:

everyone had lots of fun that night
to all the fruit babes,
well done, and great job!!!^^
more photos on FACEBOOK~

there's always a self-camwhore ^^

looking forward for this saturday ^^
and i haven even think of buying what for my cousin sis
on her 21st birthday
baby, what should we buy for her?hmm?
i love you, wayne

Thursday, April 8, 2010


i know i shall not disturb anyone anymore from now onwards
or maybe just make it lesser
i know it is annoying
sorry for the annoyed that i gave
i will not do that anymore
unless i really need help

i hope i can do it

study for the sake of myself now
hardcore studying already

i love you, wayne

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


after all,
i shouldn't think so much right?
i know some of my friends were like 'why la this jolyne setiap hari emo one?'
kawans, aku sudah okay.
tak payah risau sudah.
jolyne okay sudah..hehe

i know you all feel like slapping me.


p/s : simply update some rubbish here
p/s : currently addicted to black and white effect when camwhore =x
p/s :i want a LOMO camera..the pictures taken very nice..suka the effect very much (:
i hope to get one SOON

happy 11th month
i love you, wayne

Sunday, April 4, 2010


第一次拥吻以前 我们找不到语言
但听见彼此灵魂 多渴望永远
贴心后嘴角的甜 摩擦后眼角的咸
一起懂爱和真爱 的差别

你送的杯子里面 还装着温热感觉
你给的每个纪念 都排在窗沿
相机是牵手两年 围巾是东京五天
界线是又哭又笑 的道歉

我不相信 你心中现在她最美
你不会 你不会 你不会
把我们 的爱踩碎
我不相信 你口中会讲出后悔
你不会 你不会 你不会
不心疼 我拒绝被看见的泪

当初被激烈反对 你安静却没妥协
对我更好来瓦解 别人的偏见
我生气时总几天 我倔强口不择言
是你 请把我当情绪沉淀

我不相信 你心中现在她最美
你不会 你不会 你不会
把我们 的爱踩碎
我不相信 你口中会讲出后悔
你不会 你不会 你不会
不心疼 我拒绝被看见的泪

我不相信 重来的幸福在脱轨
你不会 你不会 你不会
留残酷 让我面对
我不相信 一起的回忆都损毁
你不会 你不会 你不会
舍得我 留一滴想乞讨的泪

you know how much i love you,
but sometimes
why are you treating me like this?
i know i did too :(
i love you, wayne