trip to bukit tinggi..
is a kind of random trip as i decided last minute..XD
went for LAW class in the morning as they had class..guess wat, i slept in the class wei..haha..i dun even know what the lecture talked about...i might jus slept in her class...is very an 'interesting' class though..haha..
bukit tinggi actually not bad but quite boring lar..jus see lots of buildings there and the buildings there were beautiful..actually have lots of activity there,,but we didnt go...we are lazy to go...lol...as usual we camwhore there..took many photos there but i will post some of it here..u can see the others in facebook..

we had steamboat up there..and now im quite phobia to steamboat already...haha..everyone had fun there...and some 'chi gek' things happens during that time..hope it wont happen again~

missing the boyf~
too bad he cant join~=(
too bad he cant join~=(