I just remember last sundays' activity.went to grandma house for fun..lol..reached there around noon and we lepak there..dunno what to do there and my couz thinks of playing kites in the evening since is windy..but the weather is freaking hot..so she plans to play at 6 something so that she wont get burned..haha..while they were playing, i sort of wanna cycle so i asked my couz for his bicycle..he asked me where i wanna cycle to...and i said im not really into this area..i asked him to bring me anywhere..guess what..he brought me to TENBY school in SETIA ECO PARK...is far wei..distance between his house to tenby kinda far..and it tooks lots of energy too..after heading to tenby, i tot he will be back to his house..who knows..he asked me to turn in to the CLUB HOUSE..i was kinda tired and my legs were pain..so i just get thru it and finally we reached home when im in a tiring condition with headache..i quickly went to have drinks and i sleep straight away in my grandma's bed..slept till my grandma wake me up for dinner...after so long didnt cycle, really tiring...

this part is funny..i told the boy that im sitting up high at the balcony just as shown in the photo above..the boy really believe it..it looks like im sitting up high at the balcony??lol..i don't know how describe the place..but is just not high place lor..im ss-ing while my couz were playing kites..haha...and it is reflected from the glass..dats all my sudden flashback...seriously that day kinda tiring..and the good news is i can exercise more to loss weight...=)
im wearing lenses now..but just one side..weird huh??
p/s : trying very hard to loss weight..
p/s : needs more motivations..