25 april 2009
6 hours of T5 makes me tired and sleepy..slept late the night before..and woke up early today..slept at 3am..the fourth time in my life...LOL..have LG meeting from 930pm to 3am...dats y i slept late..haha..and very hard for catherine to on9 till so late wei...i was surprise she on9 til 3am...see this...
3AM...haha...really unbelievable!!!really had fun chatting inside there..finally i release everything out...feel very release now...hope i'll be happier without U!!!!
after T5 class..went to YUen for STEAMBOAT...long time din eat steamboat ler..14 of us were there for steamboat
EXCEPT for mr
aaron...he ffk us...but cant blame him too...his parents ask him to follow them...i use to tel my father that i long time din eat steamboat ler...but today i go to makan with my friends...really have fun with them...damn funny part is the chicken wing part...everyone use to 'rebut' the chicken wings...and our representive is kaohao...he very good in 'rebut-ing' chicken wings with others...haha...he is the best!!!!!well well...i ate alot of ICE-CREAMS!!!it makes me cough again...cant blame the ice cream..is my fault...cant control..lol...i didnt eat much cos i'm really full..hmm...my fren eats alot....took lots of funny pics there..i'll upload when i transfer it to my com from camera...now kinda lazy wanna transfer...
after the steamboat, we went for snooker...i forget what the place called d...nvm..who cares...lol...seriously, finally i get to know how to play d...haha...thx to kz,kh,wh,wk...u all teach me...=)..u all r the best...but sometimes i still will 'sat sao'...hehe..but at least i learn...hmm...keli also learn how to play le...next time go play pool....lol..i'm waiting for the next outing...

*all the pics so damn blur..cant really post here...so i decided to post a few here..
*next outing-sing k..dunno when..lol..
p/s : i love MYSELF!!XD
p/s : i love u all too^^
p/s : fakers are everywhere..better be careful..
hates those fakers..u should know who i mean~disappointed with u~-爱是自私的-