Monday, March 30, 2009
gone home after that..its a tiring day!!!!!nothing much to write d...its time for T5!!!weeeee!!!!!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
its the 60 earth hour..
yesterday went to pyramid for the 60 earth hour thingy..its a last minutes call from sheena...cause her mum dun let her drive alone to pyramid so she ask me to accompany her..went there and there's no parking so finally we parked at the roof top....CP7..damn parking d ma..wat to do...
went to meet up with sheena's fren...june, shereen, deydre, suet teng, zen and soveeta..know them in college while meeting with sheena....they are kind, fun, nice...i really had fun with them...we can laugh non stop cause some of them were funny...i dunno wat to write somemore..i'll upload photo kay..=)..not to forget..i saw jian qin there too..

nothing to do so took pic lor...haha...
there are more photo we took but not with with suet teng and, thats all for now....i know its a short update but as long as i have update...haha...weekend just ended like dat..boring la....

really had fun that day..but didnt get to take pic with fei xin...i also dunno y...haha...
hope to see u guys again...miss ya...^^
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.
then the next day went for t6 in the morning...wah...feel damn sleepy in his class..but cant exercise to do.when doin the 1st question, my brain cant even worked so din do the 1st question...jus wait for the answer from lecturer..i manage to do the 2nd question after the break...during break i cant even sleep...i oso dunno y...after t6 had t7...another class..feel boring in that class..dun ask me y..before the class ended, had our pt1 paper back..everyone got their paper except me and few of i asked lecture for my paper and he say wait la..haha...den finally got my paper but he wants back to photocopy...
yesterday i didnt had insonmia...sleep quite well...i think is because its raining day...haha..sleep til 10am only wake up..but is still raining...cant sleep dat long....after dat went to college bout 130pm...reach there bout 2pm..go library to study till up v classmates and went dinner together then have class after dat...went back early while they finish their class..haha...reach home around 930pm..done all my stuff and i'm here blog...XD
tomoro another day le...need to study d...exam is coming soon...ganbateh to everyone...studyhard....
Successful men and women keep moving.
They make mistakes, but they don't quit.
will update soon if i feel like blogging..XD
1) The person who tagged you is:
-may chee
2) Your relationship with him/her is:
- Girlfriends
3) Your first impression of him/her is:
- both of them are pretty!!!
4) The most memorable moments with her:
- erm...hang around in tuition classes..XD
5) The most memorable thing he/she has said to you is:
- hmmm...i dunno...0.o
6) If he/she becomes yr lover, you will:
- I’m not a lesbian >.<
7) If he/she became yr lover, what should he/she improve at:
- Don’t la! I’m straight!
If he/she becomes yr enemy, what would you do:
- it wont happen...
9) If he/she becomes yr enemy, the reason will be:
- i don think it will happen...
10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
- erm...
11) Your overall impression on him/her:
- both are nice..^^
12) The characteristic you love most about yourself:
- erm..friendly???lolx
13) The characteristic you hate most about yourself:
- em0..
14) The most ideal person you want too be is:
- myself
15) For people that care and like you, say something to them:
- love u all too..=)
16) Pass this quiz to 10 ppl who you want to know how they feel about you:
1> sheena
2> catherine
3> susin
4> mei sze
5> angeline
6> cerdwin
7> caroline
8> mun ling
9> ke li
10> jennifer
17) Who is 6 having a relationship with:
- ken~
18) Is 9 a male or female:
- Female
19) If 7 and 10 were together, would it be a good thing:
- they are not lesbian..
20) What is 2 studying at the moment:
- CAT~
21) When was the last time you had a chat with 3:
- sunday~
22) What kind of music does 8 like:
- not sure...
23) Does 1 have any siblings:
- yea..1 sis n bro~
24) Will you woo 3:
- No lah! Aiyo…
25) How about 7:
- No also lah~ XD hahaha
26) Is 4 single:
- Yes~
27) What’s the surname of 5:
- ng
28) What’s the hobby of 5:
- online??
29) Do 5 and 9 get along well:
- they dunno each other~
30) Where is 2 studying at:
- sunway university college~
31) Say something casual about your eyes:
- erm...pretty???hahaz
32) Have you tried developing feelings for 5:
- Feelings as in??? O.o
33) Where does 9 live?:
- Subang Jaya
34) What colours does 4 like:
35) Are 5 and 1 good friends:
- fren too..
36) Does 7 like 2:
- they dono each other~
37) How did u get to know 2:
- classmate ^^
38) Does 1 have any pets:
- yea..maxwell~
39) Is 7 the sexiest person in the world:
- er.....
Monday, March 23, 2009
somethings that i had misunderstand today~
feel really sorry to her~
but actually not my fault also~
i was in bad mood the whole day~
so everyone's fault~
i'm a bad gal~
always be the bad one between my friends~
no one will understand how i feel~
NO ONE!!!!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
comment pls!!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
and i stay at home.didnt go out..and i sleep for the whole day cause lack of sleep these days...
after a whole day sleep i still feel sleepy...wait wait..what am i talking about?haha..ignore pls...
that the things i do today...nothing much..but there's something i realize I EAT ALOT TODAY....wth!!!i gonna gain weight soon...i must prepare my diet routine tomoro...
i had bad mood these days but i just keep it for myself...i dunno who to talk to..i dunno how to start and even i dunno how to stop myself to being moody...thats what my life is...dunno wat to continue d la...
next,tmr is 20 march..wye keat and mei sze burfday...
HAPPY BURFDAY to both of u..
not only also my national service, chin wei, fren burfday..
HAPPY BURFDAY to her too...^^
its been such a long time i didnt meet my natioanal service friends...i really miss them alot..some of them were in sabah and sarawak...and some i think should be studying at overseas...everytime have outings or gathering i just cant make it to gather with them...just a short post for this section...nothing much to talk here...
i miss my high skul life...although i graduated from high skul one year ago...but i still miss the moment we had in there...when i was in form 1, everyone looks innocent and hears what the teachers say...that time we are junior..dont dare to break the rules...form 2, we started to break a few rules...started to become a bit naughty d...i remembered got one time we had spot check for the whole skul...that time i brought my handphone to skul....i was really scare and nervous..scare my handphone will be kept...but luckily my one of my classmate help to to keep while discipline teacher ask me and gang in to check our body...that time i really scare and speechless...after all..there were no handphones found but correction pens are everywhere....haha..form 3 that year having usual we break the normal skul rules...the same case...handphones..but they just found one handphone...not mine of cos...haha..going higher level in high skul make us feel bored with the teachers, rules and even food...everyday have to hear those teachers talking rubbish while we were under the makes me frustrated...teachers shud not let us stay under the sun for so long..but what to do...we are just class always being blacklisted by all teachers...for some reasons that we did not do our homeworks, we did not paying attention in class, all those lousy reasons la...but actually we did not do any of it...except for EST subject...haha...last friday i went back to skul to get my spm certificates...inside had change ex classroom now become APD room..i cant even step in the class to see hw is it...many things had changed...even the teahers also change...lots of good teachers leave the skul...and i dunno why...
i think i gonna stop here..dunno wat am i typing also...haha..
its a long update for me..
Thursday, March 12, 2009
wat a day...
i'm sure u all didnt had classes for 12 hours rite??
its kinda tired and sleepy...somemore yesterday cant really sleep...keep awake oni...i also dunno why am i like dat...
i have nothing to vomit out ler...dunno what to write somemore...
so i'll stop here...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
another day gone~
today plan to study de but suddenly aunt ask whether wanna go grandma house anot...
mum den say ok lo...
this is because so long din go there ler...
and today is my cousin's birthday...omg!!!i didnt know that...
really very sorry qhai..
and thx for the dinner and the tiramisu cake...
really very full...and gonna be fat ler...cham!!!but i didnt blame u la...jus i too 'tam jia'
o ya...he got a new hp too as his birthday present...the latest phone i think...W595...the phone not bad la...can consider nice for me....
jolyne become fat diet
and yea...after having dinner uncle they all was talking den dunno y suddenly talk bout me...
they investigate bout y am i short??haiz...feel so embarased lei...i',m sad d coz i short...they still talk bout it..make me more sad....then they say i follow my aunt they all..cos they all oso short de...but at least i'm taller....haiz...but still very sad....
ok la..
dun wanna talk so much of sad things ler....
so i'll stop here....
Sunday, March 8, 2009
i have something to share with all of u...
see the picture accompany me more than a year ler...
i used to hug it when i was asleep...
i used to bring to everywhere i go...
i bring to college once to sleep in class...
wahaha...shhh...don tel a secret...
last time fat fat a...not like the picture above ler..
become soft soft ler...
anyway...really wanna thanks to sheena who bought this for me...
kamsahamnida sheena!!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
another day..
headache for the whole day...
make me cant concentrate in class...
really freaks out la..
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
slept at 130am after sms with him after that i keep awake after 30 minutes...
and i dunno why is it like that...i told cat and she said that i'm too stress or what...
i really feel that class till 9pm...but class started at 3pm..damn tired...and headache when in the class..i dunno why.til now also still headache...maybe the reason is i dont have a good sleep yesterday...makes me today headache the whole day..
HEADACHE AR!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
these few days i feel moody and very stress up as i just mention in previous post...
while i'm in the moody mood, my friend really cheer me up...whenever i'm moody, they will make me laugh...but i just cant laugh o smile...when i'm moody i'll be very quiet and wont talk to anyone...i will just sit by aside and whenever my friends see me in this mood they dont dare to disturb me..and i really thanks to those who cares for me..i really appreciates our friendship especially U...U cares alot for me...not only that, u also motivate me to study...because i have a problem...i dont have anyone to motivate me to study....i really need MOTIVATIONS!!!!..u also supports me whenever i need that...u are there when i need u...really thanks alot to u..
MOTIVATION!!!!faster come la..come to me....i need U!!!!!!
p/s : dunno what to talk rubbish here..XD