currently having camwhore in my grandma's room...taken on the 3rd day of chinese new year...nothing to do so took some photo...nothing to post for this chinese new year..currently busy visiting relatives house and got gamble a bit la...and and..not to forget..i drink wine too..haha...i drank 3 glasses i think but i didnt drunk..just my face red red oni...dats wat my cousins some comment lar..^^v
Friday, January 30, 2009
-recent photo of mine-
currently having camwhore in my grandma's room...taken on the 3rd day of chinese new year...nothing to do so took some photo...nothing to post for this chinese new year..currently busy visiting relatives house and got gamble a bit la...and and..not to forget..i drink wine too..haha...i drank 3 glasses i think but i didnt drunk..just my face red red oni...dats wat my cousins some comment lar..^^v
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
-cny eve-
to all my friends...happy chinese new year!!!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
amp square
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
wat a bad day
today is a BAD DAY...
things happen suddenly and i just cant stop them from happening..
and the day had comes...
i dun like that kind of things happen to me..
i hate it alot.....
i dun wan i dun wan i dun wan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
18 jan 2008
ia not the normal popiah...
is self-made the popiah...
so long didnt eat self-made de popiah ler..
i think i've ate 5 rolls gua..
is a lot d wei...
all this popiah i self-made one lei..although is ugly from external but delicious wei...haha...
after dat having camwhore in my grandma' s room...
still got lots of pics and i lazy to upload...
need to sleep d..
tomolo have 9 hours class...
imagine that....very tiring...
Sunday, January 18, 2009
and i haven revise my t6 (unit 2 and 6)
i'm not at home....and i didnt even bother to do cause i forgot about it d...
tonight go back have to do my homework and revise t6 ler...
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Next…SHOPPING time at KL…while waiting for her….i took some pics..haha…camwhore la me…likes to take pics a lot…lol…ignore that ba….my cousin come to fetch me at bout 1pm..and whole eng ann and berkerly was JAM!!!!we stuck in the JAM for 10 minutes…actually dun need to stuck in the JAM for so long de…she use the wrong way cause she tot there will JAM…I told her use which way also the same ma….haha…so we stuck in the JAM for half and hour I think…lol…and finally we get through this JAM ler…so the journey goes smooth then after when we reach PJ… JAM again…this is due to MID VALLEY parking is FULL if I not mistaken… we have to stuck there too…for a while oni worries…after that we reach china town car park at bout 230pm…and then we straight headed to the nearest monorail station to go TIMES SQUARE…haha….and FINALLY we reach!!!!wahaha….got to shop til mad…we start from the top to the bottom..haha…I wont talk much bout SHOPPING lo…I’m lazy to write so much….hehe…forgive me ya….hmm..YEAH!!!FINALLY!!!! finally I got to buy my SHOES….its a high hill shoe…wahaha..cause I’m short…and I need the shoe help to make me look TALL…haha….i know I’m lame…but that’s the fact ma…I get the shoe at sungei wang…and and..i bought scarf, top and others lar..not much actually….haha..and I went to KIM GARY for dinner…just me n my cousin….haha…after that we continue to shop til 7pm…then we decided to go back ler…cause its late ler…and our LEG have no energy to walk liao…and I’m KINDA TIRED…I reach home at bout 830pm..on the way back, the road is busy too…JAM for a while…that’s all for TODAY…tomorrow going to grandma to eat POPIAH…ownself made de popiah o…haha…..
can sleep more but need to revise all the papers that have been done...
i'm still see-ing the stars when lecturers are teaching...and when i read the notes,even more stars am i gonna survive...
and the papers are geting harder and harder...
need to put more effort on to it...and we have to motivate ourself to bcome more
i still not yet sleep as me gonna have classes in the morning...tomoro sure will fall asleep when having classes...but i think this class wont make me SLEEPY gua...cause its all movements....haha...oh ya...i FORGET the STEPS d...die die die....tomoro sure let teacher say one....hmmm...but actually nothing de la...he will polish our step de...haha...
dunno wat to post ler..i'll stop here..and ya...tomolo going to kl for SHOPPING...i haven get to buy my shoe yet...
this is the time for me to find....and also JEANS....i need one more jeans...hehe....
off i go...
Friday, January 16, 2009
have mood to update ler.. have T6 class from 8am til 1pm...and as usual i woke up at 615am..go to college at 7am...the sky are still dark...1st time go college that early..haha...den i reach college at about 730am...and park at my usual place lor...haha...
then have class as usual til 1230pm..lecturer let us go early..throughout the class, actually have two breaks but he oni give us one we ask him to let us go early..haha...and then after dat ke li decided to have lunch with mun ling and pang jiuun...but at last didnt get to have lunch together....cause of the time...mun ling and pang jiunn have malaysian studies after ke li, me , jj, wk and aaron decided to go nzx to eat STEAMBOAT...1st time go nzx...feel so happy..i can show off to my mum that i went to nzx d...haha..while we at the steamboat restaurant....i took some pics der....
after that we go walk walk around there and wk buy donut at big apple...and i took some pics der too....its nice...i imagine if at night would be nicer...hehe...but i forget how to go lei...hmmm....
dunno wat to write next ler....i'll stop here...i use lots of time with this....and...i'm lazy to add
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
all i have to do is WAIT!!!!
and i must study hard for this semester..
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
been few months i had this feelings...but i didnt even let this feeling go...
after that day, i feel very shy and i dunno y..
and i really want that to happen....i really hope it...
but there are no answers for me..
so the only way is to WAIT!!!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
-boring saturday-
next, went to AEON after dinner...and the road..didnt jam at all...use 20 minutes to reach AEON...i go there didnt get to buy anything...haiz...wan to buy no my size....hate it so my aunt, cousins there...and they ajak use to have DINNER again with them...see this>>>>is DINNER!!!!second round of dinner...HAHA...i'm gonna become fatter...haha..after that continue shopping lor...and the worst is i found a pair of shoe..but too SIZE for me....i'm so angry...find so long and no SIZE....
chinese new year just around the corner and i havent finish buying my clothes, SHOES, bags, my jeans...haiz....and i have no time to shop ler cause start studying d...hmm...i need to settle all this before chinese new year...I DUN CARE!!!!lol....
Friday, January 9, 2009
-fourth day of college-
today class starts at 8am and ended at 1pm..and as usual i 7am come out from house to college ler..the sky is dark and the road is busy with cars..haha..tot today will jam like the previous days but it goes smoothly because today is reach college quite early but not as early as usual a bit oni...haha...then catherine n i went to audi 1 to get the sit in front...but the notice there wrote class change to audi 5....and i dunno where the hell is audi 5 situated..then ws and leon arrived and we search for audi is situated at 2nd floor...catherine and i start msg everyone that the class are situated at audi 5..haha..
so, the class started not at 8am sharp..our lecturer mr jana was late..haha...he is quite funny la...making jokes around in class before he start teaching...damn funny....hmm..i dunno wat to say lar..i still cant recall*t!!! i am OLD...this morning things i dun even remember properly...gosh...T.T...but i really dunno wat to write'll stop writing bout today's class...lazy to think
Thursday, January 8, 2009
-third day of college- class starts at 2.30pm..and I 1245pm reach and at first I cant even find a place to park…so I round inside the college there see whether got parking nearby…and I’m so unlucky…it was FULL…AGRHH!!!! I’m so piss-out…then I decide to round side gate of college for another time and I stop at aside to wait for any car who gonna leave that place…so after a while I saw a man walking to his car and he gets in to the car…so I was happy cause got place to park…and…I was shocked cause got one guy come out from a shop and I tot the he wants to park that place but luckily he give me park that place…haha…thanks to him..if not I will not get any parking for a long time…lol…
Next,i go early to college cause i need to pay up my fees..and i walk up and first we need to take our enrollment form from the office that we had filled in earlier to pay our fees...and walk all the way up to 1st floor to pay the fees....not near far...after paying the fees...i need to go back to that office to get my far now oni have one textbook...that is all about TAX....haha..and then we headed to our classroom to put our stuff...haha..since the class haven start and my fren wants to pay her we go with her...and the counter was lots of ppl...we waited for quite long and finally she had paid her fees...hehe...then its time for class ler..t7 class teach by MS TEH...she teach us before for t4...erm..she a bit @#$ to complain here complain there..and last sem she keep comparing my class and other class..feel very bo song her last sem...after the class started for not long and i realize that wye keat, aaron and jj not in the class...then jj ke li decided to call aaron and no one answer her call..and she msg him...i think got reply gua...after that aaron appear...after dat i decided to msg wye keat and ask him is he sick...and really he is sick....pity him...1st class of MS TEH in sem 2 he didnt attend...nevermind...haha...
next, MS TEH starts class not at 230pm sharp cause she was late for a few minutes...after that she starts to teach as usual lar...she can teach for 2 hours without break and we cant even tahan...cause we really need breaks...she doesnt give us break in that 2 hours class...and after that she gave us 20 minutes breaks only...ARGHH!!!not enough break wei...hate it..if we call her give more breaks and she will say all the story i cant give u all so many breaks..if i do so mr teo will fire me...wat oso she say la...we dun bother worst is dat she let us go home early..for 25 MINUTES...wer can like dat one...she let us go so early and her pay still get 4 hours de pay wei....she curi tulang lar...damn her la....but thanks to her too^^..i can be back at home EARLY....wahaha...
well...i have nothing to write i'll stop here....tomorow have class at 8am...need to wake up early d...T.T
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
-second day of college-
ok...skip this t8 thingy and continues with all bout TAX...haha...quite an interesting paper...the lecturer is funny and he sometimes can make us awake when our eyes were half dead...haha...well..i dunno what to say bout t9 cause in his class today i've been trying my best to concentrate but it seems like i fail to do it...i still got listen la...while listen my eyes was like keep closing coz i really feel sleepy..haha...and...and....i very tired today....its like wholeday in college...feeling like college is my second home....but i'm not gonna treat college as my second home....grrh!!!!!!!!!!!okok....i'll gonna stop here...dats all for today...will update very soon.....
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
-first day of college-
Sunday, January 4, 2009
21 things Girls dont realize
Friday, January 2, 2009
The memory that Unforgettable.
When that day we meet at Oasis, The story has just begun.
I dun care Whatever they say i just know that in my heart You only love.
I have Step by step create A whole new world for you.
I hope you will be Proud of it, please dun have any Dangerous mind, i just simply wan have a Beautiful life with you.
Tonight hope you will go the place just we know.
At there we can have our Summer dream and i have wrote a Song for you and I miss you so much.
I'll be there.
haha..i know what you all all think that i wrote this to a gal??haha...u r wrong...this is a very special thing...every words there got tvxq song title meaningful...^^
the words in blue are tvxq songs title...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
new year eve
the event starts at 9.30pm where is starts with will ng..i dunno who is him anyway..but some of his songs are nice...and then it continues with actor and a singer as well...haha..last time use to admirer of them together sing one song and then winner of astro talent quest 2008, wan qian, perform her lastest album songs...she is COOL!!!the next one goes to hao ren...also from astro talent quest 2008 but i think get 3rd gua if i not wrong la...his singing not so nice but...but...his word can describe....GENG!!!!i like to see him dance.full of energy...haha..after that tate chan (zheng guo hui)...he also come from astro talent quest 2005..he is my aunty's husband's cousin...haha..i was shocked when my aunty told me bout, yisee loo's turn to is THIN!!!!!damn damn damn THIN!!!!she had a nice voice...and she act also not bad wei...haha....i very xian mu her because she is THIN!!!!okok...i know i know...i have to stop this THIN THIN stuff now the next artist to perform...owh....i hate this group wei...their songs is like eww...they are manhand....lousy group i ever i skip this then here goes to our malaysian idol winner season 2...he is daniel long din hear from him le...haha..opps..i know u all got hear from him but i didnt...i always hear from TVXQ mind all oso TVXQ....cant blame me to the topic....daniel dance and sing...and he also got pk with hao ren..they dance till damn nice....and dis time hao ren dance til very very yeng....his robotic style..make me wanna learn oso..but i know i cant do it...its hard comes to the seconds i'm waiting for very long ler.....GOLF & MIKE's turn to perform....wahaha...the whole place was very loud during their performance...and i'm very sure everyone attend just wan to see them perform i right???correct me if i'm wrong...haha....their performance, yeah, nice...good, too bad they din sing 'epilogue'..this is a nice favourite song....but they didnt its time for countdown...the time that we have to say goodbye to 2008 and welcome 2009...haha....everyone start spraying each other and i got spray by whole face kena...pity that we watch the fireworks...very nice a.....just on top of me nia...wahaha.....and then the event continue with edmond leong...a singer from hong kong...dunno him well and i dun really hear wat he sing...cause my mood dat time was been spray by people...cant really concentrate wat he was singing...wakaka...after his performance.....the last artist to b performed is nicholas teo...everyone were also waiting for that moment oni....his fans club fans were very excited...haha.....after that the event end at bout 1 that time is the time to go back i leave that place and when i jus leave oni everyone around me just spray at me....i cant even cover my face and they just spray at me like hair was like ful of the thing...and my hair bcome sticky d...haha..along the road everyone simly spray ler....haha..then i go meet my cousin's to go back...and reach my cousin's home bout 2am....very tiring day lar but have fun o...haha...this is wat new year eve for year 2008 since last year i didnt have the chance to countdown cause i got national service that time...just countdown in camp then go back to sleep ler...pity those who got 1st batch for national service...hope u all enjoy inside there...haha...
(p/s : no pics for now....lazy to upload..)